7 Tips for Setting Boundaries with Emotionally Immature Parents

Positive conflict is when people can bring up something that is normally considered negative or can constructively provoke negative responses. Many times, toxic relationships continue because the toxic person or person avoids conflict. However, when done correctly with the pure intent of mental healing, conflict can be a helpful tool for repairing broken relationships. Some ways to engage in positive conflict are always staying calm, showing empathy to yourself and the parent, finding common ground, and communicating effectively and respectfully.

Knowing how to set healthy boundaries with an emotionally immature parent is something mature adults need to implement in their lives. No one chooses birth parents and no one can predict their relationship. While it is a biblical and social expectation that children respect their parents, the expectation is that parents should not tempt their children, no matter how young or old they are. Parents and children should respect, honor and develop positive relationships with each other. Cultivating those healthy relationships is important to everyone’s well-being. Regardless of age, children need proper nurturing from their parents in many aspects of their lives. Adults must learn to take responsibility for their emotions and interactions with each other, especially with family. Creating healthy boundaries for yourself and making them clear to your toxic loved ones is essential to mental, spiritual, emotional and family health. Learning to manage and interact with emotionally immature parents, or with people in general, is how mature adults learn to maintain their composure and sustain healthy relationships. By setting healthy boundaries, we can foster the change needed to bring parent-child relationships back to the standard God created for families.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Adene Sanchez

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