10 Tips for Compassionately Engaging with Your Atheist Friend

First, it is useful to understand what an atheist is. Atheist means one who does not believe in God or deities. This person rejects the idea that God, or any gods, created the world, the universe, time, or the human beings and creatures that inhabit this earth. It’s more of a lack of faith than a belief. Instead, it is a rejection of the claim that there is a god (or gods), time.

An atheist who believes that God does not exist and is unknowable is different from an agnostic. Some call agnosticism the faith of ignorance. They may think or believe that God is out there, but they don’t know for sure, and they don’t believe that human reason or other evidence can in any way prove a deity or the supernatural in general.

Atheism, then, is not a religion or a belief system. It is denial of belief in God.

Second, it is useful to understand why one is an atheist. People have different reasons for their belief systems, or lack thereof, and atheists do too:

  • Some call this the lack of evidence for God, or “reliable” evidence.
  • Some say that the arguments for God’s existence are not sufficiently proven.
  • Some say that the existence of evil contradicts the idea of ​​an omnipotent God, especially if he “can’t” or “won’t”.
  • Some say that science explains everything that humans have used to teach God, so God does not exist.
  • Some consider God a psychological crutch because they seek meaning.
  • Some simply do not hear the gospel, perhaps because of their cultural or family upbringing.

There are other reasons beyond this. According to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, atheists make up 4 percent of US adults. Sociologists estimate that about 7 percent of the world’s population is atheist.

If you’re a Christian and find yourself getting involved with an atheist friend, here are 10 tips.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Khosrork

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